Elements 14(1) – February 2018 – Luminescence dating: Reconstructing Earth’s Recent History
Author: Pierre Lanari
The 140th anniversary of the SFMC
MINES ParisTech is pleased to announce that it will host the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the SFMC, in the historical building of the “Hôtel Vendome”, overlooking the Luxembourg garden in Paris. Scientific oral and poster presentations will be the heart of this day of celebration. The Annual General Assembly of the SFMC will […]
Field Workshop in the French Massif Central
The Societé Française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie, the Université Jean-Monnet (Saint-Étienne, France) and the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (CNRS) are organizing a field-based workshop in the French Massif Central, which is a Variscan inlier located in South Central France. This fieldtrip will examine the Variscan nappe stack in the Moldanubian core zone of the Variscan […]
EMPG-XVI Clermont-Ferrand, June 17-21, 2018
The Sixteenth International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (EMPG-XVI) will be held in Clermont-Ferrand (France) on 17-21 june 2018. Deadline for abstracts is 1st of March 2018
Euroclay 2019 / Call for sessions
EUROCLAY 2019 – Paris The next quadrennial Euroclay meeting of the European Clay Groups Association (ECGA) will be held in Paris (France) 1st-5th July 2019 (Jussieu Campus, Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie) jointly with the 56th annual meeting of The Clay Minerals Society (CMS), and the 6th Mediterranean Clay Meeting. Call for sessions To make […]
Element – October 2017
Elements 13(5) – October 2017 – Mineral Resources and Sustainability
Three new EMU books available for sale
Three new (2017) books are available in the EMU-MinSoc Notes in Mineralogy Series: Vol. 16 (2017) Mineral reaction kinetics: Microstructures, textures, chemical and isotopic signatures (W. Heinrich and R. Abart, editors) Vol. 17 (2017) Redox-reactive minerals: Properties, reactions and applications in clean technologies (I.A.M. Ahmed and K.A. Hudson-Edwards, editors) Vol. 18 (2017) Mineral fibres: Crystal […]
Appeal to former authors of Bulletin de Minéralogie and Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie or their beneficiaries
We are pleased to inform all authors that SFMC is about to make the entire content of Bulletin de Minéralogie (and former titles) since 1878 freely available on the Persée portal. This platform is maintained with the support of the French Ministery for Higher Education and Research and hosts French-language scientific journals in an open-access […]

French Society of Mineralogy and Crystallography
The French Society of Mineralogy and Crystallography is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in mineralogy, crystallography, petrology and geochemistry.
Zdeněk Johan (1935-2016)
Zdeněk Johan, Honorary Inspector-General of the Bureau of Mines and Geology (BRGM), died at Orléans (France) on February, 13th 2016. Zdeněk Johan was born on November, 18th 1935 at Lomnice nad Popelkou in the North of Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia). He studied mineralogy at Charles de Prague University, where he graduated in 1958. In 1961, […]