The international Workshop on the Characterisation and Quantification of Lithium, from the Micro- to the Nano-Scale, from Mining to Energy will take place in Paris on 26-27 June 2023. The aim of the workshop is to gather researchers, engineers and students interested in the local, at the macro- and nano-scales, characterization of the lithium element […]
Category: Events
The SFMC days in 2022
The new SFMC days will resume from the 21st to the 22nd of February 2022 in Villeneuve d’Ascq close to Lille in France. These days will be devoted to quantitative imaging from atoms to stars and will be organized around the following configuration: museum of natural history on the morning of 21 February 2022, talks and posters […]
New website for IMA 2022 in Lyon
You can update your bookmarks with the website of the 23rd General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, to be held in Lyon, France during 18-22 July 2022: The submission of scientific sessions and of geological trips is open and will stay open till July 2021. We cannot encourage you enough to submit proposals […]
EMAW 2021 in Toulouse – Earth Mantle Workshop
The fourth edition of the Earth Mantle Workshop (EMAW) supported by the SFMC will take place in Toulouse from October 11th to 14th, 2021. The second circular is available here
Earth Mantle Workshop (EMAW) à Toulouse en 2021
The next Earth Mantle Workshop (EMAW) will take place in Toulouse from June 30th to July 2nd 2021. Find out more here
Workshop CYCL’HAL
The workshop CYCL’HAL “from mantle processes to degassing and atmospheric impact” will take place in Paris on November 5-6 novembre (Amphi Charpak; Campus Pierre et Marie Curie; Jussieu).
European Mineralogical Conference emc2020
We are pleased to announce the Third European Mineralogical Conference “Mineralogy in the modern world” which will be help in Poland at the Auditorium Maximum in Cracow. Find out more at
MaThCryst summer school – Nancy 2019
The summer School on Mathematical Crystallography will take place in Nancy, France, 3 – 7 June 2019. Registration to the summer school is now open. The SFMC will support two students or early carier scientists working in a french institution, or french working abroad (including the registration fees and the adhesion to the society). Find out […]
The 140th anniversary of the SFMC
MINES ParisTech is pleased to announce that it will host the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the SFMC, in the historical building of the “Hôtel Vendome”, overlooking the Luxembourg garden in Paris. Scientific oral and poster presentations will be the heart of this day of celebration. The Annual General Assembly of the SFMC will […]
Field Workshop in the French Massif Central
The Societé Française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie, the Université Jean-Monnet (Saint-Étienne, France) and the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (CNRS) are organizing a field-based workshop in the French Massif Central, which is a Variscan inlier located in South Central France. This fieldtrip will examine the Variscan nappe stack in the Moldanubian core zone of the Variscan […]