EUROCLAY 2019 – Paris
The next quadrennial Euroclay meeting of the European Clay Groups Association (ECGA) will be held in Paris (France) 1st-5th July 2019 (Jussieu Campus, Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie) jointly with the 56th annual meeting of The Clay Minerals Society (CMS), and the 6th Mediterranean Clay Meeting.
Call for sessions
To make you an actor of this upcoming event, we have the great pleasure to invite you to propose sessions and workshops for this meeting.
The main topics of the Conference include: Crystallography, mineralogy, and modelling / Environment and geological processes / Ressources, Energy, Storage / Functionalized clays, Health and cosmetics
Proposals should be submitted by e-mail ( by January 31st, 2018 to be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee.