The Societé Française de Minéralogie et Cristallographie, the Université Jean-Monnet (Saint-Étienne, France) and the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (CNRS) are organizing a field-based workshop in the French Massif Central, which is a Variscan inlier located in South Central France. This fieldtrip will examine the Variscan nappe stack in the Moldanubian core zone of the Variscan belt. The nappe stack has been affected by pervasive partial melting and granite emplacement, and there are exposures of spectacular migmatites. This area offers great opportunities to discuss orogenic processes, anatexis, granite formation, and crustal differentiation and evolution.
The field workshop will take place after the EMPG XVI meeting (held in Clermont-Ferrand). Participants will meet in Saint-Étienne (150 km east of Clermont-Ferrand) on the evening of 21 June 2018, spend 5 full days in the field (22–26 June) and will return on 27 June.
Most of the fitrip will be specifically held in the Ardèche Mountains of Southern France and will offer opportunities to sample other local pleasures, such as country food, local wine, great landscapes and beautiful swimming holes in mountain streams. Participants will be transported by minibuses and be housed in country hotels or bungalows in holiday resorts. We expect the cost to be about €400 per person. For further information, please contact Jean-François Moyen: jean.francois.
All researchers interested in these topics are warmly invited to join us!