The European Journal of Mineralogy is an international journal on mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and related sciences
The European Journal of Mineralogy (EJM) was founded to reach a large audience on an international scale and also for achieving closer cooperation of European countries in the publication of scientific results. The founding societies (DMG, SEM, SIMP, SFMC) have set themselves the task of publishing a journal of the highest standard open to all scientists performing mineralogical research in the widest sense of the term, all over the world. Contributions will therefore be published primarily in English.
EJM publishes original papers, review articles, and letters dealing with the mineralogical sciences s.l., primarily mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, crystallography, and ore deposits, but also biomineralogy, environmental, applied and technical mineralogy. Nevertheless, papers in any related field, including cultural heritage, will be considered
EJM was relaunched as an open-access journal in January 2020. Visit the new EJM website
Soutien de la SFMC à la publication dans EJM
Depuis 2020, La SFMC prend en charge les frais de publication de quelques articles dans EJM chaque année. Obtenir plus d’information et déposer sa demande
Accès aux volumes 1-31 de EJM
Volumes 1 to 31 of EJM are accessible via the GeoScienceWorld website. SFMC members can freely access to Volumes 1-31 through the SFMC member website. Log in with your credentials and follow the link Accès EJM (pré-2020)
Pour les volumes antérieurs à 2020, les membres de la SFMC (à jour de leur cotisation) ont la possibilité d’accéder à la version électronique de l’European Journal of Mineralogy depuis l’espace membre. Après connection, utiliser le lien Accès EJM (pré-2020)